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RE: Proposal: A symbolic debugger for OOC


>objects) to allow the user to navigate the state of the system. OOC has
>Visual Oberon, but many OOC programs do not use VO.

Sadly enough. Nevertheless, I'm currently writinga number of smaller
applications, that should prove that VO is useable. A debugger would be
a major project, but it should be possible. Also together with a possible
port to windows a debugger GUI in VO would be nice to have, too.

>It would be possible to implement a post-mortem debugger as a small HTTP
>server linked into an OOC application. This avoids the problem of having to


While the use of a client-server-concept is nice, I would personally prefer
a propertary protocol (perhaps a question language like gdb has?), to
make use of a GUI debugger on top of VO or a cli debugger possible, too.

       Tim Teulings.
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