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oo2c in Debian 2.1/slink

This information isn't entirely fresh anymore, but some of you might
be interested nonetheless:

| From: Mike Goldman <whig@by.net>
| Subject: Re: ooc-981205 & oo2c-1.3.12
| To: acken@informatik.uni-kl.de
| Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 19:37:12 -0500
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| > This update incorporates some minor bug and portability fixes.  The
| > configuration support for add-on packages has been changed to work
| > under Solaris 2.6.  This means that the next(!) release of VO should
| > install flawlessly under this OS.
| Hi Michael.  OO2C-1.3.12 has been Debianized and placed in the
| "potato" archive.  The upcoming Debian release (which will be called
| 2.1, but is presently called "slink") will include OO2C-1.3.11
| thanks to the efforts of Anthony Fok, however this release is
| currently under a "feature freeze" -- only serious bug-fixes will be
| included as the stable release is imminent.  "Potato" will
| eventually become Debian 2.2.

Currently oo2c is only compiled for i386 AFAIK, if you are interested
to have a Debian package for any of the other architectures (PPC,
Sparc, Alpha) please contact Mike Goldman.

Note that there is now also a oo2c_64 that has been tested
successfully on Linux/Alpha (excluding the garbage collector, of
course).  I intend to upload the current version as 


this evening.  The currently available version oo2c_64-1.3.12 does
_not_ compile out of the box.  The next releases of oo2c will be
available as both oo2c_32 and oo2c_64 distributions.

-- mva