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Re: crossoo2c
> Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 17:45:15 +0200 (MET DST)
> From: CRF <crf@sbox.tu-graz.ac.at>
> Hi!
> I updated my crosscompile text to the latest oo2c version.
> http://www.sbox.tu-graz.ac.at/home/c/crf/crossoo2c.txt
> Since the first announcement in december on this list the page received
> some hits, of interest or curiosity I can only guess. I guess the later
> because there was zero feedback. So I conclude no one is interested in it
> or no one runs that setup other than me.
The setup is rather exotic. Combined with oo2c's vast user base you
are probably a user group of one. Nevertheless, your page is an
interesting resource for people running oo2c under Windows, with or
without cross-compilation.
On OOC's home page I have added a link to the cross-compilation page.
> If you run this setup and maybe want to tell me of your experiences please
> mail me.
> In future I won't update the page often because the basic process is
> described and with new oo2c versions only small things change.
I expect the same.