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Re: LONGCHAR proposal

Michael van Acken wrote:
> Currently OOC implements CAP only for ASCII, and is the identity
> operation for chars in the range 80X..FFX.  Is anyone in favor of
> extending capitalization to the full ISO latin-1 range?

Sounds good to me.  This doesn't make CAP locale dependant, does it?

> Silly me.  SHORT(LONGCHAR) is integer arithmetik, and integer
> arithmetic can overflow.  If it overflows it will trigger a
> compilation or run-time error.  The result of an operation that causes
> an overflow, but is not detected as such, is undefined.  This, of
> course, is The Right Way(tm) to deal with SHORT(LONGCHAR).


> If KSCRider maps to the Unicode character encoding, these two would be
> share most, if not all, of their interface.  Fixing the interface in
> an abstract class is a good idea to formalize this.

All right.  

What I'll do now is revise the proposal to take into account all that
has been discussed, and then I'll repost it.  I'd also like to
further discuss the specification of the abstract mapper class for
UnicodeRider, etc.  Would this AcMapper class be the parent for both
TextRider and UnicodeRider?  (That is, aren't the interfaces for
TextRider and UnicodeRider the same, or almost the same?)