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New version of VO


Im pleased not only to announce a new version of VisualOberon for X11
(including some minor changes) but also a first test version of the

            ---> Windows version of VisualOberon <---

This first version (the 98 Santa edition ;-)) includes 80-90% of the
functionality of the X11 version. Nearly all demos and OS independend
programs do work (some with little visual effects due not not yet
implemented features). It took me one week for this work.

This first version is more than a simple proof of concepts. While
there is much to do (and some things to be redesigned), it not only
shows that VisualOberon works but that it works well and that one
is able to write even medium sized applications in a portable way
preserving the native look and feel as much as possible. VO is the long
awaited framework for developing applications that run under Win32
and X11 at the same time.

You can find VisualOberon at:


You will also find detailed installations information there.
Also feel free to mail me or subscribe to the VO mailinglist.

I hope that this first *test* version inspires more people to
participate with the oo2c and VO projects. Come on, join!

I also would like to thank Michael van Acken (who added the necessary
features to oo2c, so that it will smoothly work under Windows) and
Stewart Greenhill (who wrote H2O, this little nifty program that
converted windows.h to winapi.mod). Without them this Windows version
would not have been possible. Thanks!
