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Re: CharClass.eol

> From: Michael van Acken <KK120y2@mail.lvr.de>
> The module CharClass says this over its constant eol:
>  - Constant: eol
>      The implementation-defined character used to represent end 
>      of line internally by OOC (*note Ascii::.)
> and
>  - Function: IsEOL `(CH: CHAR): BOOLEAN'
>      Returns `TRUE' if, and only if, CH is the implementation-
>      defined character used to represent end of line internally.
> ..snip..
> Then CharClass.systemEol can serve as default for TextRider's output
> eol.

The proposal sounds fine.  I appreciate all the comments and additions
people have made on this issue.  I tested mva's textrider fix from
Jun 24th last week and it worked.  Then I unfortunately lost my 
computer room for several days.  Will test the latest updates to 
TextRider ASAP.
