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Re: Garbage Collector
> This may be the long term goal. My short and mid term goal is to ship
> oo2c with functional gc support. Obviously, I cannot ship it with a
> hypothetical garbage collector. And even if OGC exists, I cannot dump
> support for Boehm's gc as long as OGC does not support all of the
> systems supported by Boehm's gc. You see, this is required _and_
> desired. Until then (read: over the next few years, and possibly
> indefinitely) oo2c will support the conservative gc. And oo2c/gc can
> only implement a fraction of the interface of OGC.Mod.
How would we practically create a test-bed OOC that could use the new
garbage collector and provide the required run-time support?
> > Although, I believe that, as a start, the "GC" and "RegisterObject"
> > functions are enough for the user interface. Adding the additional
> > user functions should be easy enough.
> Adding them is not possible with Boehm's gc. And the specs need to
> address the fact, that they are not available for all implementations
> of OOC.
That's fine by me. These additions, if we decide they are important
enough to add, could be nops with Boehm's gc.
Michael G.