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RE: OO2C -> Debian? (fwd)

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Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 21:03:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mike Goldman <whig@by.net>
To: acken@informatik.uni-kl.de
Subject: RE: OO2C -> Debian?

On Tue, 19 May 1998, Michael van Acken wrote:

> There are a number of points to consider:
> 1. Which abtraction should be presented to the user?  That is, how
> should the "Threads" module look like?
> 2. How are threads tied into oo2c's installation process?  This is
> mostly an issue with configure.
> 3. Which library modules have to be modified to be thread safe?
> The first point is open to discussion, preferably on the mailing
> list.
> There needs to be a common Oberon-2 interface to all threads
> packages,
> of course.
> Once the details of support for the various threads packages are
> hammered out, I will take the necessary steps to integrate threads
> into the installation process.
> It shouldn't be much of a problem to identify library modules that
> aren't thread safe.  I will update any modules I've written myself,
> but I won't touch the other modules.

Let me think about it for a few days.

Meantime, while not for Oberon-2, this may be food for thought:


I am inclined to want to make the Thread interface as similar as possible
to that used in M3, because it is best if these languages tend towards
convergence instead of away.