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Re: Some OOC issues (was: Re: Target audience)
Peter Froehlich <pfroehli@nospam.ics.uci.edu> wrote:
> In article <6h86cu$gi7$1@news02.btx.dtag.de>, mvacken@t-online.de (Michael
> van Acken) wrote:
> >OOC, and its current compiler incarnation oo2c, can interface with any
> >kind of C code. Interfaces to (well defined) portable packages can be
> >defined in a special INTERFACE module, which is subsequently used like
> >a standard Oberon-2 module. An example for this is the interface to
> >the X11 library and how it is used by VO.
> Am I correct that this also opens up interoperability with FORTRAN,
> Pascal, or whatever other language not relying on a complicated run-time
> model?
Yes. As long as the object code from "whatever other language" can be
linked in, with variable and function names known on the linker level,
interfacing is simple.
> There are of course two different issues here: One is the
> fundamental problem to map things like multiple inheritance,
> templates or overloading to Oberon-2. The other is that each and
> every C++ compiler potentially uses a slightly different run-time
> model, so even when we map "simple C++" to Oberon, we would have to
> do so (potentially) for each C++ compiler.
You identified the two problems of interfacing to C++ correctly.
> Or is the oo2c <-> GCC relation so "fixed" that other C/C++
> compilers don't work anyway?
oo2c translates to ANSI-C. It does not need gcc.
> >Note that certain things are very close to the compiler
> >implementation, even if the language itself isn't touched. Anything
> >interacting with a compiler's run-time system tends to be
> >non-portable: meta-programming facilities, exceptions, dynamic loading,
> >to name a few.
> There should nevertheless be a safe way to write object I/O stuff. I
> don't know OOC well enough: does it have a Types.Mod?
Yes, a Types module is provided.
> This brings up another thing I don't understand: Why are there no
> native backends (none at all!) for OOC? What happend to Frank
> Copeland for instance?
No one knows.
> Why can't existing backends (e.g. for PowerPC) not be plugged-in
> with relatively small cost?
A back-end has to close the gap between the compiler's internal code
representation and the target architecture. Obviously a back-end can
only be written for one particular intermediate code representation.
Several parts of this task can be shared between back-ends, as long as
their implementation is configurable to a certain degree. For example, a
instruction scheduler exists, and the back-end writer only needs to provide
his own scheduling policy.
> A last point: Obviously this post should rather go to the OOC mailing
> list, but since I didn't get a reply on my last mail to that list, I
> assume it is in some "unstable" state. Is that true? There have also been
> no new archives for some months...
Mh, that's strange. I assume you are referring to your post about a
ADT Container. There were several replies. You should contact
jnzimmer@informatik.uni-kl.de about this. He is the list maintainer,
and he should have an archive of the posts. If he doesn't have them,
drop me a note and I'll dig them out for you.
-- Michael van Acken
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