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Re: Container Library?


> I seems to be very silent here, I wonder why that is... WAKE UP! :-)

Thank, its early in the morning and this was exatcly what I needed ;-)

> On the serious side, I would like to know where the OOC project stands
> regarding a "standard" container/data-structures library? Has anyone
> thought about this yet? I think it would be another worthwhile addition to
> the growing OOC library, but of course numerous design issues would have to
> be discussed. Okay, I hope that someone answers this mail... :-)

Yes, I started with one a few weeks ago (in fact I started many
things) however I havn't gone far. Mainly because Oberon is not the
best language for such stuff, I had not enough time, design is rather
complicated and I needed some help that wasn't there. I can put the
existing modules on the VisualOberon homepage if someone wants to take a
look. I mail to the list if it there.

I think such library will be agood thing. I discussed this with MvA and
he agreed (somehow :-)), but stated that such library will likely not
part of OOC (simply because the OOC/oo2c archive is already very huge)
but will act as an add-on package. This is problem, as long as he put
it in reach of the oo2c distribution.

> Anyway: Sunny greetings from California! :-)

Yes, not raining here nn germany, better than the most days :-|

> PS: Does anyone have a clue regarding the whereabouts/email of Frank
> Copeland of Oberon-A fame?

No, I thought the Oberon-A project silently disappeared. Seems like
Frank lacked time or interest at the end.
