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Re: OOC text i/o for other Oberons?
> From: Ian Rae <ianrae@istar.ca>
> Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 00:43:20 -0500
> [...]
> Your OOC library has already written a text i/o library that looks perfect
> for the job. How would the OOC developers feel about this proposal?
The basic ideas of the I/O part of the OOC libary were taken from
existing Oberon implementations, in particular V4 and Oberon/F. On
the other hand it doesn't share much of the details with other
Another complication is the fact that a simple text I/O module depends
heavily on other services: integer and real conversion from/to
strings. Especially the real conversion facilities may differ vastly
between the various Oberon systems.
> 3. Are the sources for the OOC libary changing often or are they
> pretty stable at this point?
They are pretty stable. A bugfix creeps in every few months, but
this is about all.
-- mva