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Re: OOC text i/o for other Oberons?
> The library will support manipulation of ASCII texts with the following
> basic
> operations: open, read, write, seek, and close. It will follow the Oberon
> notions of carriers and riders, including the (Oberon/F?) notion of mappers
> for parsing text into basic data types.
> The library will suport texts from a variety of sources:
> -ASCII text files
> -Text objects of the host Oberon system. Locator objects will support
> opening Text documents (ie. files), or the Text of the focus view.
One fundamental question: As you said the OOC io routines fit youur
needs. Does that mean that you simply want to extent them, to support
OberonSystem files or do you want to build a layer on top of the io
implementation of OOC. If you plan the second, isn't is possibly better
to extent the OOC io routines? I currently don't have arguments for
that (in fact I have some against it), but I feel the io ystem of OOC
might gain more from the second aproach. I also don't like to build
multiple layers on code, since the OOC io system is already a layer on
the C/POSIX io system.
> 2. UNICODE support? Is it part of OOC library?
There was some talk about that. Problems was, that we found out that
there a various implementations of UNICODE and it seems that noone had
enough knowledge about UNICODE to say how such an implementation should
work. MvA at least seemed willing to support UNICODE.