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Re: 64-bit extensions


> Actually the Posix routines are built _on-top_ of the BeOS.  Not the other
> way around.  BTW the BeBox isn't manufactured anymore but the BeOS is 
> healthier than ever with new incarnations soon to appear on Pentiums.

Yes, I know. Maybe I get one, if its available...

> Ok.  I'm beginning to see what everyone is getting at.  At least Java
> doesn't have multiple inheritance.

It has interfaces, which is somekind of multiple inheritence with just
baseclasses. If I remember Peter Froelich (spelled correctly?) did such a
thing (and some other things like CONST for method parameters and pre- and
postconditions) for oberon as his diplom thesis. At least such things were
planed, I don't know, what got in at the end. (Btw. has anybody his
current address, I have ported coco to ooc, using some of his sources, and
want him to ask, if I can publish it...) There was another project in that
directory, was it Lagoona? Nice stuff, one of my wishes for Oberon-3 :-)

> I wonder if you could just do a low-level mapping and keep the higher-level
> stuff the same?  (i.e., do a Posix-style interface to the Java classes).

I doubt it, and if it works, it would be even more work to do... :-|
