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Data structure documentation & BUG?
I've been trying to find documentation on the ooc data structures. Most useful
would be a summary of how they differ from the o2c data structures showing new
field mappings to the old data structures. In my case, I'm moving a code
generator from o2c and porting it to ooc. Lots of fields seem to be different
and changed or are missing. A comparison document would clear up a lot of
these problems.
That example ANSI-C generator would do a lot of good in filling in the documentation
gaps. I'm beginning to understand as well what you've been saying that GSA is
drastically different from o2c's interface to the back-end. :-( "What do you
mean there are no variables?"
If I were to add information to the GSA tree, such as register allocations, etc.
how should that be done? What happens to references to external memory (such
as arrays, records, etc)?
BUG? I tried compiling the Matrix.Mod example program and got a bus error exception
in PrintGSA.Argument. Anyone else have this occur? Note: I was compiling with
the --gsa -s flags.
Michael G.