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RE: Channel concept instead of simple Files
> From: Sander van der Wal <svdwal@xs4all.nl>
> Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 17:23:56 +0100
> ...
> > Unix, and AFAIK AmigaOS, simply spend the file descriptor (stream,
> > channel, or whatever) additional attributes and/or prevent a function
> > that needs a specific feature from being used. For example the Unix
> > pipes and FIFOs don't allow lseek() and make it return with an error
> > code. A simple solution to this problem is to add an "is
> > positionable" flag to the channel, similar to the "is readable" and
> > "is writable" flags.
> RISC OS does something similar with the file descriptor. Unix really
> has a large influence ;-).
> I find the use of a 'is positionable' flag a bit of a hack.
> If there are two kinds of channels, a positionable one and a sequential
> one, I can immediately deduct some properties of the algorithm that
> uses a paricular kind of channel. Take for instance a backend for ooc:
> if the channel is sequential, I immediately know that either the code
> generator is sequential too, or that it buffers the code.
We could replace the type Channel by SeqChannel (only allowing
sequential read/write) and PosChannel (positionable channel; ugly
naming scheme, though). Where PosChannel is an extension of
SeqChannel. I don't want to split the Reader/Writer into ones that
have SetPos and ones that don't, mainly because the tb procs
associated with channels, like
PROCEDURE (c: SeqChannel) NewReader(): Reader;
PROCEDURE (c: PosChannel) NewReader(): Reader;
can only have a single formal result type. So you can detect from the
channel if SetPos works, but not (directly) from the reader/writer.
-- mva