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Re: misc. links

On Fri, 12 Jan 1996 05:35:52 +0200 (GMT+0200) laden@math.tau.ac.il (you) wrote:

> I've come across some new items that might be of interest when/if
> we get to the stage where global optimization are an issue:
> [Knip]
> . bottom-up tree rewriting tool MBURG, to be used for code selection
>   in compilers:
> 	http://www.dstc.qut.edu.au/~gough/sigplan.ps
> 	http://www.dstc.qut.edu.au/~gough/mburg07.ps
>   I'd like your opinions on using MBURG or a similar tool for generating
>   parts of the compiler's code-selection code.

I have some experience with lburg, which is part of lcc.
I tried to port lcc to the ARM about a year ago. This failed because 
of some assumptions made in lcc about the layout of the stack frame,
basically that the complete frame could be accessed with one pointer,
which is not true on RISC OS. (In case anyone is interested, the stack
for user programs in RISC OS is allocated in chunks in the heap and 
extended by calling a runtime function that allocates another chunk
if the current one is too small. The parameters are accessed via the
frame pointer and the local variables via the stack pointer).
However, writing a tree grammar for the ARM was quite easy. 


We get to pick tools and equipment that suit the job.  We spend nearly all our 
time programming ART's computer's. (~P.J.Plauger: Programming on Purpose III)