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Re: Remarks on Files/Filenames
On Wed, 10 Jan 96 5:31:35 EST acken@informatik.uni-kl.de (you) wrote:
> Rename, Delete and Copy should work on Filenames rather than File plus
> Filename. These procedures are almost always called without the need
> to open the file. Opening the file may be expensive for buffered
> files. To do a Open -> Rename -> Close sequence to change a file's
> name is certainly annoying.
I was thinking about:
f := Files.Old(Filename, res);
f.Rename(newFilename, res);
Files.Old does not 'open' a file or anything, the only thing you know
whether there is a File with the given Filename, and some of it's
> > (* read max LEN(b) CHAR's. 'howmany' indicates how many CHAR's are really read. *)
> > PROCEDURE (r: Reader) ReadString(VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR howmany: LONGINT);
> This spec may lead to values in `str' that aren't terminated and
> cannot be manipulated with any of the Strings procedures. What is the
> benefit of this proc compared to `ReadBytes' anyway?
You're right, 'howmany' is not needed for strings, because strings
must be terminated wit a 0X at the read end. A case of copying without
thinking ;-)
Type security and readability. ReadBytes is neccessary to read RECORD's
and ARRAY's, and can be used to implement most of the other PROCEDURE's.
> > BinReaderDesc = RECORD
> > PROCEDURE (r: BinaryReader) ReadBool(VAR b: BOOLEAN);
> > PROCEDURE (r: BinaryReader) ReadSet (VAR s: SET);
> > END;
> Those two procs only appear in BinReader/Writer. I don't see any
> reason why we can't spend those types a textual representation and add
> them to TextReader/Writer, too.
I didn't either, but I've never felt the need for them. Maybe this is
because most people read boolean values from text files in their native
tongue (YES/NO, OUI/NON, JA/NEE etc). Text representations for SET's
have the problem that you have to know the meaning and the position of
all the members of the set. I think most people will do someting like
member1: Y (or O, J etc)
member2: N
which is a lot mode understandable than
A possible text representation could be TRUE and FALSE for Boolean
vaules and {10101...} for set vaules.
> A GetDate procedure is missing. Input: file name. Output: time value
> plus error code. How do we represent a time? For Unix a time value
> is a record with a seconds and a microseconds field, both LONGINT.
> Anyone got a better idea?
Your right again, I forgot it. I think a separate DateTime-type
will be best, with PROCEDURE's to
- test whether two datetimes are equal,
- test whether one datetime is smaller than the other
- test whehter a datetime is between two others
- to create a datetime from year, month, day, hour etc
- to make a string from a datetime.
The Files module (or equivalent) should export the minimum and
maximum datetime a File can have. The datetime of the last
modification should be a readonly parameter (I think this is what
most OS'ses do) , and there should be a SetDate-method. Writer's
should update the datetime of their associated File.
> Some sort of test for file existence is necessary. Input: file name.
> Output: TRUE/FALSE flag plus error code. The error code is necessary
Currently it can be done with Files.Old.
> A copy procedure would also be nice. Input: source and destination
> file name. Ouput: error code.
> The OpenReader/Writer procedures should probably be type-bound procedures.
> Filenames: I'm missing any way to represent directories different than
> strings. Maybe it would pay of to split a file name into a directory
> locator plus file name/extension. A system-independent facility to
> get a directory's file listing would also be nice. But I don't now if
> this is feasible at all.
I think a Directories or FileDir module is feasable. A FileDir.Old
procedure will have a Filename as it's input parameter. A FileDir.
Enumerate will return a File or a FileDir. For this to work File
and FileDir should be derived from something more basic, like a
DirTreeEntry. This object will have the same attributes as a File
in my Files module, but no Riders can be associated with them.
> Just my two cents for now. I hope that Files and Filenames will be
> intgrated into a more general class hierachy based on locators and
> channels.
As soon as I know exactly what a Locator and a Channel is, this should
be no problem. Besides, by not saying that a Filename is some kind
of Locator does not mean is isn't, mainly because clients of Filename
are interested in the Filename-aspects of the Filename, not if they are
derived from a more abstract class.
We get to pick tools and equipment that suit the job. We spend nearly all our
time programming ART's computer's. (~P.J.Plauger: Programming on Purpose III)