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Re: Compiling ooc-951220

> [...]
> > Doing the whole translation process on a per function basis should
> > decrease memory requirements drastically.  That is, if each procedure
> > is converted to GSA, optimized, put into the object file, and
> > discarded, the total amount of memory needed (for GSA) is basically
> > the size of the largest procedure.
> >
> > This approach has the disadvantage, that not all information is
> > available when the code generation is done on every procedure in turn:
> [...]
> Most of these situations are reasonably uncommon. I think if it was made
> optional, with perhaps warnings generated when the compiler detected
> one of these conditions, it would be the best of both worlds.

Couldn't you use a disk-based GSA tree where only the current procedure
is kept in RAM.  All other procedures are stored on disk.  This would be
a poor man's virtual memory.  That way you could still resolve references
to any procedures, they just have to be loaded on demand.
> Frank

Michael G.