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Re: Library coordination
> Currently we have the following people that volunteered writing
> modules:
> > From: Mike Griebling <grieblm@trt.allied.com>
> > [knip]
> > I'll volunteer to implement the following ISO modules:
> >
> > LowReal, LowLong (already partially covered by Math, MathL)
> > RealStr, LongStr
> > RealConv, LongConv
> > RealMath, LongMath (are these modules really necessary given Math(L)?)
> > ComplexMath, LongComplexMath
> >
> > I suggest that the RealMath & LongMath simply be stubs which call the
> > appropriate Math or MathL routines.
> >
> > I'll also volunteer for the following:
> >
> > WholeConv -- probably will be called IntConv
> > WholeStr -- probably will be called IntStr
> >
> > If there are any additional descriptions which can be added, please add
> > them to the above definitions and the real definition modules I've
> > volunteered for.
Please also put me down for ConvTypes. It was necessary to do this module
too in order to get the others to compile.
I will upload the following modules to cognac:
They haven't been thoroughly tested but appear to work for me at least.
The IntConv state machine also works and is used for implementing the
integer conversions. Exceptions are still not implemented.
> Merry christmas everobody.
> --
> Sander