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Re: Some modules from Modula-2
> From: Mike Griebling <grieblm@trt.allied.com>
> I've been attempting to convert the ConvTypes definition but have problems
> with the ScanState PROCEDURE type declaration which appears to be recursive.
> Anyone have any ideas on how this should be handled?
I always wondered why Modula-2 allows to recursively reference a
procedure type in its own declaration. Now I know :).
In O2 we have only one recursive type: pointers. So the procedure
variable has to be encapsulated into a record (or array). It could
look like this:
MODULE ConvTypes;
(* ... *)
ScanClass* = SHORTINT;
(* The type of lexical scanning control procedures *)
ScanState* = POINTER TO ScanStateDesc;
ScanStateDesc* = RECORD
proc*: PROCEDURE (inputCh: CHAR; VAR chClass: ScanClass;
VAR nextState: ScanState)
END ConvTypes.
MODULE WholeStr;
ScanInt-: ConvTypes.ScanState;
PROCEDURE ScanIntProc (inputCh: CHAR; VAR chClass: ConvTypes.ScanClass;
VAR nextState: ConvTypes.ScanState);
(* ... *)
END ScanIntProc;
(* ... *)
NEW (ScanInt);
ScanInt. proc := ScanIntProc
END WholeStr.
Not very nice, but it should suffice.