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Re: Some modules from Modula-2

[Mike asked me to forward his mail to the list --mva]

Date: Fri, 15 Dec 95 11:16:16 EST
From: Mike Griebling <grieblm@trt.allied.com>
To: acken@informatik.uni-kl.de
Subject: Re: Some modules from Modula-2

> I did take a look at ISODefs and compared it to the definitions in my
> printed copy of the Modula-2 Draft Standard.  They are identical.  The
> printed stuff contains some elaborations on the procedures of the
> definition modules, but not much.  If anyone wants to start
> implementing one of the M2 modules, I could type in the additional
> descriptions.  Just ask... 

I'll volunteer to implement the following ISO modules:

	LowReal, LowLong  (already partially covered by Math, MathL)
	RealStr, LongStr  
	RealConv, LongConv
	RealMath, LongMath (are these modules really necessary given Math(L)?)
	ComplexMath, LongComplexMath

I suggest that the RealMath & LongMath simply be stubs which call the
appropriate Math or MathL routines.

> -- MvA


Michael Griebling, P.Eng.		grieblm@trt.allied.com
AlliedSignal Aerospace Canada		my opinions are my own