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Re: Library coordinator

> >  From: Sander van der Wal <svdwal@xs4all.nl>
> >  > Would someone please volunteer for this job?
> >  
> >  I am. Note that I am on a dial-up link, but I have also Net access at 
> >  work. This isn't much of a problem if we can agree on a convenient place 
> >  
> Great.  The sources can be put on the cognac site, unless someone has
> a more `convenient' idea.  The directory is /pub/ooc/incoming/lib.
cognac is fine by me. BTW it looks like the unix for my Risc PC (RiscBSD)
is almost there. Only the kernel itself has not materialised yet. There
was also an announcement about a newer native gcc (2.7.something) becoming
available in january. 


These systems people never changed. They could work miracles, but at the
same time they claimed perfectly reasonable requests were impossible.